Bendable Applicator Brush
Brush Handles
Brush Tips
Etch tips
Fissure sealant tip
Flowable Dispensing Tips
Flowable Tips
Micro Applicators

Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing or replacing damaged or missing teeth. These procedures help improve oral health and function. Common dental restorations include crowns, bridges and implants.

What is the differece between Restorative dentistry and Cosmetic dentistry?
Restorative dentistry focuses on improving oral health and function. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your smile.

MITOS supplies wide range of fantastic restorative dental products including:

  1. Articulating Paper
  2. Dental Brush Applicators
  3. Brush Handles
  4. Etch Tips
  5. Fissure sealant dispensing tips
  6. Micro Applicators
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